KP Design

About Us

our story & life's work

About Us

KP Design

Kati & Alex Pauls - Our relationship remains the flagship of KP Design


As a dynamic couple with over 30 years of growing better, together, Kati and Alex understand the power of an elevated partnership. We are committed to our partnership, to bringing forth our unique talents in service to others, and to the success of our clients who are changing the world. The pillars of our business support this concept of commitment and it is through Intention, Partnership and Impression that we are able to elevate brands for people who are fearless trailblazers.

Loving their business and change-maker clients, with as much dedication, loyalty and love as they have for each other and their family, at KP Design, these partners in everything are also best-selling authors who know how to attract and grow elevated dreams, including yours.

Relationship is the foundation on which we have built our business and is a guidepost for each new project we begin.

KP Design

Brand Alchemist

As an experienced professional with 2 decades of work in graphic design, website design, website development, content design, being a wife and a mother of 2 daughters, I have created a life infused with unprecedented work opportunities, adventure and constant learning moments. The spirit of freedom has always been a thread in my existence and has allowed me to weave a life tapestry filled with limitless wonder and unrestricted success.

I specialize in combining intuitive branding with well-founded strategy, empowering success-driven business leaders to step boldly into the marketplace with a distinct and sustainable competitive edge. My mission is to creatively support and guide changemakers to achieve unlimited potential in their lives.

I am intensely committed to the promises I make – to others and to myself. This allows me to show up in partnerships as dedicated, focused and responsive. Within my business, these characteristics allow me to deliver a premium experience, a finely honed process, and exceptional creative deliverables.

I strive to seek out new information and to engage in lifelong learning. I am always open to new perspectives and experiences, allowing myself to be taught by those who are more knowledgeable, experienced and enlightened.

The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.

Two Sherpas

are better than one

Stronger together, they produce work that matters, and bring to life the KP Design experience, to reach the summit of your business through elevated branding, technology and strategy, all designed to reach your ideal customer so change-makers like you can make even more doing what you love!

It's truly amazing what happens when two people who share the same vision come together and put a combined energy behind a desired outcome. Every so often you sit back and look at what you've created together - manifesting dreams becomes easier and faster and you sit in gratitude that you have such an incredible life and partnership.

KP Design About Alex

Strategy Expert

As a strategy expert, Alex’s leading skill is seeing & knowing people. He builds meaningful relationships that allow him to identify all the distinctive aspects that motivate change-makers. It is through his genuine respect for others that Alex is able to design strategies that will help trailblazers be found by those who need them most.

A motorcycle voyageur, Alex is on a journey to build lasting relationships and design visibility strategies for your business. He understands that the world needs your products and services. With Alex as your SEO and strategy pilot, he makes sure your ideal customers find you.

Working with our change-maker clients inspires me every day to drive results and growth!

About Our Knowledge


Partners In Everything

We were approached by best-selling authors Sharyn and Hank Yuloff to contribute to their book about couples who work together. We were asked to write how working together has challenged us, how it has changed our relationship and how our partnership has benefited our clients. 

Partners in Everything

Elevate your brand

We created this easy-to-digest guide on the branding journey to accompany the international talk we delivered in 2021. 

Elevate Your Brand
the Firmamental Podcast
protect your dome

Discover a realm of truth-seeking adventures with the Firmamental Podcast, co-hosted by KP Design’s very own Alex Pauls. Dive into the realms of flat earth theory, biblical earth concepts, zetetic cosmology, uncovering secret societies, exploring paranormal activity, and exposing mind-bending conspiracies. 

In the Media

Check out a few of the places we pop up online and listen in on some of the enlightening conversations we’ve had with some amazing humans.

Kati & Alex on the home business success show
Alex on the Blue Collar BS Podcast
Alex on the Blue Collar BS Podcast
Alex on The Pat Miller Show
Alex Pauls The Pat Miller Show
ready yet podcast
the pat miller show
ready yet podcast
freedom seeker show